Helen Clifford-Jones

Helen Clifford Jones uses colour as a material, to explore social issues with a personal narrative. Her practice focuses on both painting and site specific interactive installations.

Community and social exchange form the basis of her research that is developed from narratives and personal experiences relating to her female cultural identity as a dual British Cypriot citizen.

Helen works exclusively as a practicing artist, living and working in Surrey, England and is currently completing a BA at West Dean College of Art and Conservation, in Art and Contemporary Craft.

︎ helencliffordjones@gmail.com
︎ @helencj0806

10.10 Hall. Grammou 19, Nicosia, Cyprus, Unearthing my Past, Playtime Installation - 4 – 5 November 2023

Ochre Print Studio 2023 Annual Summer Exhibition, Adam’s Gallery, 42A High Street, Reigate - 1 – 25 June 2023

Group Exhibition -Frensham Community Art Exhibition, Frensham Heights School, Rowledge, Farnham, Surrey - April - July 2023

Joint Exhibition with Surrey based artist, November 2023, Buckland, Betchworth

Summer Group Graduation Show - Art and Contemporary Craft Diploma, West Dean College of Art and Conservation, July 2022

Group Exhibition - 50th Birthday of West Dean College of Art and Conservation July - December 2021

Group Exhibition - Stoke Newington, 2000

BA – Art and Contemporary Craft, West Dean College of Art and Conservation, Chichester, England – September 2023 -

Diploma - Art and Contemporary Craft, West Dean College of Art and Conservation, Chichester, England - 2020 - 2022

Art Foundation - University of Hertfordshire, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England - 1987-1988
© Helen Clifford-Jones